9780821344170 Analyzing Banking Risk

Analyzing banking risk: a framework for assessing corporate governance and financial risk management
Author : Hennie van Greuning, Sonja Brajovic Bratanovic / Publisher : World Bank, 2000 / ISBN : 082134417X, 9780821344170 / Pages : 289 Pages / PDF Format / Size : 16.3 MB
Provides a comprehensive overview of topics dealing with the assessment, analysis, and management of financial risks in banking. The report emphasizes risk-management principles and stresses that key players in the corporate governance process are accountable for managing the different dimensions of financial risk. 
This book provides a comprehensive overview of topics focusing on assessment, analysis, and management of financial risks in banking. The publication emphasizes risk-management principles and stresses that key players in the corporate governance process are accountable for managing the different dimensions of financial risk.This third edition remains faithful to the objectives of the original publication. A significant new edition is the inclusion of chapters on the management of the treasury function. Advances made by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are reflected in the chapters on capital adequacy, transparency, and banking supervision.This publication should be of interest to a wide body of users of bank financial data. The target audience includes persons responsible for the analysis of banks and for the senior management or organizations directing their efforts. 

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